Event News: Secret Cinema Launching a New Sci-Fi World Tomorrow – What Could it Be

Secret Cinema have just announced that they will be launching a new world tomorrow, or at least telling us what this world will be. But they have already dropped a few hints, so what do we all think it could be? I’d love to see your thoughts in the comments… Here are some ideas which I think could be a possibility based off those hints.

Those hints by the way are this:

Secret cineam sent out an email today which showed a screen with a bunch of social media comments popping up in an Honest trailers style, saying things like OMG we need Sci-Fi. I don’t know whether this style itself is a hint! That clip was accompanied by the following text:

Something tells us you’re hungry for some action? The kind that makes your heart race, eyes pop, hair stand straight up. An out-of-this-world adventure, you know.
So are we.
Just wait ‘til you see where we’re off to next… You’ll be over the moon for this one.

So… keeping in mind that Secret Cinema signed some deals with Netflix and Disney before the whole COVID pandemic, I think it’s safe to say that it will probably be associated to one of these, as they’ve not had a lot of chances yet to cash in on that. So what do we think?


With the new movie set to be released soon by 20th Century Studios (a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios) this is a possibility, especially as it is certainly an eye pooping, action laden franchise. After all it was a bit of a pioneer when it comes to 3d cinema, and it is of course also set on Pandora, which is an inhabitable moon of Polyphemus. Plus of course, there’s the weird hair sex thing!

Total Recall

There’s no other more iconic sci-fi eye poping scene than Arnie in Total Recall and even with it being a 1990 release they still all had very much 80’s hair (yeah it’s a very loose link I know, but the eye popping thing is certainly there).

Thor Ragnarok

The next option is of course another Disney franchise and it would make for a VERY cool world after all. Thor Ragnorak is certainly full of action, and I guess Thor of course had his iconic hair cut for this one, which he had spiked up instead of those lush flowing locks… But also there is some vague similarity in the new video shown on Facebook for Secret Cinema and the end of the Thor trailer.

That’s not all though! Of course, it is also Ragnarok where Thor lost his eye during the fight with Hela.

I think this could be a pretty good bet you know! it doesn’t tie in with any big related releases, but then nor do most of the Secret Cinema movie world.

Guardians of the Galaxy

I know that there are a lot of people online who are hoping that it would be Guadians and of course the 80s stylings of the teaser video does fit a little with the 80s musical themes from guardians (which if also a Disney franchise), however I’m not too sure – it feels a little more loose than the other links.


Another one which a lot of people are saying they think or hope it could be would be E. T. based almost entirely on the over the moon reference associate to thecycle “jump” across the moon, which is of course one of the most iconic movie moments of all time.

For me I think the biggest links are Avatar, Total Recall and Thor Ragnarok and I would love to see any of those three, although I think just the fact that we’ve got a new sci-fi world on the way means that we are looking at one sweet event I’m not gonna want to miss!

Let’s see what they announce tomorrow!